Cross-Sector Partnership Launches the Partners for Green Places


Partners for Green Places, a cross-sector partnership made up of foundations such as the Charles & Margery Barancik Foundation, the Gulf Coast Community Foundation and the Community Foundation of Sarasota County, city and county governments such Sarasota County Sustainability and City of Sarasota Sustainability, nonprofit organizations and businesses will launch a community-wide initiative towards a greener future this coming Monday, October 14th, 2019.

Partners for Green Places is a community-wide movement and grant program to inspire organizations and businesses to engage, connect, and forge a commitment toward energy efficiency and sustainability. The goal of the program is to use energy assessments coupled with energy and water efficiency projects to reduce operational costs for human services and environmental nonprofits. The savings experienced by the nonprofits from implementing the energy and water upgrades can then be used to further their core missions. Organizations who applied for the program will be notified of award decisions this month. Assessments will be done for approximately 12 nonprofits in Sarasota County that have either environmental or human services focused missions. Implementation projects will be funded through a matching grant process.

NOTE: This article was originally published by SRQ Magazine on October 7, 2019.

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