During the free, one-hour webinar, participants heard from local business owners, nonprofits, and sustainability experts about Partners for Green Places and how investing in sustainability can provide significant savings and drive the community toward a greener future.
Participants will learn how investing in sustainability can provide significant savings and drive the community toward a greener future.
Now more than ever nonprofit organizations are having to find creative ways to free up available dollars. A local, cross-sector program is leading the way in advocating for utility upgrades as a viable option to save on bills, while saving the environment.
The funds will help 10 local environmental and human service agencies to implement water and energy efficiency upgrades at their facilities.
In April, 10 Sarasota County nonprofits were awarded $161,379 in grant funding through the Partners for Green Places program. The funds will be used for energy and water efficiency upgrades at their facilities.
Partners for Green Places is a collaborative movement and grant program designed to inspire organizations and nonprofits to implement sustainable measures.
Partners for Green Places will launch a community-wide initiative towards a greener future this coming Monday October 14, 2019.
The 200, 220-watt system, installed at Girls Inc. of Sarasota County, will produce 300,000 kilowatt hours of energy per year.

How to Save Your Organization Money and Take Climate Action
August 5, 2020, 12-1 PM
Join this 1-hour webinar to learn about our community-wide movement toward a greener future and how investing in sustainability for your organization can provide significant savings and drive us towards a cleaner energy future.

Partners for Green Places Launch Event
October 14, 2019
Join us as we launch a community-wide movement toward a greener future and celebrate the largest solar installation in Sarasota County.