Strategic Partners

Every Partner for Green Places has reimagined the impact of sustainability by joining our movement.


Auditor Partners


15 Lightyears

Through energy efficiency, solar power and storage, 15 Lightyears provides electrical solutions for developers, businesses, and homeowners that embrace the future of energy.


Florida Power and Light

FPL is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen and good neighbor. The company’s investments, community partnerships, and giving back help improve quality of life in the communities served.


Two Trails, Inc.

A world-wide Sustainable Building Consulting firm established in 2001 with skilled building professionals including architects, engineers, general contractors, LEED professionals and energy raters.


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Become a Partner. Become the Change.

Drive the movement

Each Partner for Green Places motivates and inspires our movement. This collective of organizations are driving systemic changes in sustainability. Find out how your organization can become part of our story.